The Knott’s Berry Farm classic characters from the beloved Knott’s Bear-y Tales will be returning in a new form. Arriving in the Ghost Town Toy Shop in the near future, these characters will talk with guest as the return of a long gone attraction will finally be remembered!
Opened in 1975, this Knott’s Berry Farm original took you on a dark ride adventure with the Bear-y Family. Destinations included the Frog Forest, Candy Company, Gypsy Camp, Thunder Cave. The climax of the dark ride was in the Weird Woods with the Crafty Coyote with a grand finale at the Country Fair!
This Disney-esque attraction was a hit due to hits wonderful song, boysen berry smell, and charming atmosphere. Unfortunately the ride closed in 1986 to allow for space for the new Kingdom of the Dinosaurs attraction that followed. However, times changed and even Kingdom of the Dinosaurs moved on.
Now more then three decades after the original attraction opened, Knott’s Berry Farm is returning a classic in a new form at the new Ghost Town Toy Shop. Watch out because Gus, the horse, and Gertrude, the cow, will talk to guest.
I think it is great for Knott’s to restore a proven and beloved attraction. It really could be a great start to reviving the glory days of the park before guest had the attention spand of squirells and no longer appreciated good story dark rides.
The park confirmed this information in a Twitter post. Check it out.
What are your thoughts on the return of this beloved attraction!? Leave your comments and Park Thoughts!