With the premiere of Tron: Legacy just around the corner,Disney’s California Adventure is celebrating the highly anticipated movie with the nighttime clubbing like experience called ElecTRONica. Each night in the Hollywood Pictures Backlot section of the park, guests can enter the grid and walk through the portal into the world of Tron.
By night, Hollywood Pictures Backlot is the same, but as the sun goes down and night falls, this section of the park is transformed. Dancers and performers entertain guests with the portal opening ceremony launching the event nightly. The facades of the buildings are lit up with spectacular projections. Muppet Vision 3D hosts a 9 minute 3D preview of Tron: Legacy, and a replication of Flynn’s Arcade featuring vintage 80’s arcade games can be found towards the back.
The event is a spin-off of this summer’s Glow Fest night club style experience. ElecTRONica runs now through the Holiday Season nightly with Laser Man performing on select nights. If you happen to be at the Resort stop by to check it out.