Ever since its debut in 2001, Haunted Mansion Holiday has become a Christmas time staple at the Disneyland Resort in California. Each year, in time for the Halloween season and extending through the Christmas Time, one of the most beloved dark rides in the world, Haunted Mansion is given a lavish and detailed overlay. Consisting of audio animatronics, new music, and ton of new Halloween and Christmas decor, the Mansion is truly transformed into a completely different attraction.
Designed by Steve Davison, whose other works include the 50th Anniversary’s Remember…Dreams Come True Fireworks Spectacular, Walt Disney’s Parade of Dreams both at Disneyland Park, and the mesmerizing World of Color at Disney California adventure, the overlay was designe to bring a new dimension to the ride and bring the popular Nightmare Before Christmas characters to the park. By using Tim Burton’s successful franchise, The Nightmare Before Christmas the Imagineers were able to create an overlay that works for both the Halloween and Christmas season.
The ride itself, is drastically different. While no layouts are made to the ride itself, the Mansion is decked out with creepy, spooky and eerie, Holiday decor that you won’t find at your local neighborhood holiday display. The stretching room has been given some clever paintings that reveal a scene you may not at first expect. Then move on to explore what treasures lie in this Mansion decked out by the jolly old skellington, Sandy Claws himself!
Below is a video tour of the entire preshow, and ride itself. I hope you enjoy the ride just as much as I do!