With a May 27, 2011 opening fast approaching Busch Gardens Tampa Bay is rapidly working on their giant new Cheetah Hunt LSM launch coaster. After a short hiatus of visible track installation, work resumed last week with the final sections of the drop installed. And finally, after months of work, steel workers attached the final piece of Cheetah Hunt. The jump over the park’s Skyride is just one of the many elements that show how Cheetah Hunt interacts with existing aspects of the park.
BGTNation has a great video from the park of the installation of the final piece of track. Also check out their site for frequent updates about the park.
In addition to the track completion, the park released photos of their new 4-week old baby Cheetah. Born at the Jacksonville Zoo, the youngster had difficulties eating leading him to be hand raised. The 2 pound baby requires 24 hour attention keeping Busch Gardens Tampa handlers up late at night. When old enough, the Cheetah will join the pack of 8 other Cheetahs as part of the Cheetah Run animal exhibit adjacent to Cheetah Run.
Cheetah Hunt and Cheetah Run open May 27, 2011.